If, And How, Does Covid Shift The Themes, Styles And Goals of Psychotherapy?

If, And How, Does Covid Shift The Themes, Styles And Goals of Psychotherapy?

One of The Center’s founders, Andrew Rosen, Ph.D. was recently a guest on The Experts Speak, a free podcast series from The Florida Psychiatric Society, to discuss some of the changes, themes, and pivot points that telemedicine and the Covid crisis have produced, and how it may modify – or not — the styles and goals of psychotherapy.

Listen to the full podcast here.

Professional Help For Anxiety

We offer both virtual / online and in-office treatment options.

For more information, please contact The Center for Treatment of Anxiety and Mood Disorders in Delray Beach, Florida at 561-496-1094 today. 

Navigating The Pandemic Paradox

Navigating The Pandemic Paradox

Back To School Separation Anxiety During The Pandemic

Back To School Separation Anxiety During The Pandemic