Health Anxiety

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What Is Health Anxiety Disorder?

Health Anxiety Disorder, also known as hypochondria, is the exaggerated fear of physical illness. People who suffer from this condition have the tendency to attribute ordinary physical symptoms to an obscure but serious sickness. The more a person worries about these symptoms the worse they get. Physical sensations like tenderness, dizziness, swelling, and pain are very real to victims of Health Anxiety Disorder despite the fact that typical medical exams will not reveal that anything is medically wrong with them.

Because of this, sufferers may face stressful and frustrating situations. They frequently visit several doctors for the same concerns and achieve no relief. They are generally told that they are imagining the symptoms and should stop worrying. Because of this and the negative stigma attached to health anxiety, many victims refuse to seek help.

Signs And Symptoms Of Hypochondria:

  • Worry that minor symptoms indicate a serious illness.

  • Seeking repeated medical consultations or avoiding doctors altogether

  • Frequent switching of doctors because "they're all inept"

  • Strained social relationships

  • Obsessive health research

  • Frequent checking of your body for problems, such as lumps or sores

  • Frequent checking of vital signs, such as pulse or blood pressure

Most sufferers are reluctant to acknowledge the role of psychosocial factors in causing their symptoms, which makes them even less likely to seek proper help. Many times patients with this disorder are so resistant to the idea that they have anxiety that it takes the intervention of their loved ones to help them understand that they are in need of assistance.

What Makes You Vulnerable to Hypochondria?

  • Experiencing a serious illness in childhood

  • Knowing loved ones with a serious disease

  • The death of a loved one

  • A firmly held belief that being in good health means that you are free of physical symptoms or sensations

Approximately 1-5% of the population suffers from Health Anxiety Disorders. These individuals consume health resources at 10-13 times the cost of the average person. Those at risk of developing this problem are those who tend to be worriers. They also, at times, have difficulty expressing emotions and recognizing conflicts or interpersonal problems. Many experts theorize that these individuals have this problem because they find themselves able to express these closed off emotions through the physical sensations they experience as a part of their condition.

Treatment Information

Fortunately, treatments are available for people with Hypochondria and other forms of health anxiety. Psychotherapists will help sufferers of health anxiety by introducing them to Cognitive Behavior Therapy, which helps them recognize and understand the false beliefs that trigger their anxiety. Through treatment, they can learn to stop the behavior that helps reinforce the disorder.

Why It Is Important To Seek Help

Many complications can arise from health anxiety and delaying treatment only makes these situations worse. Complications for the affected individual can include:

  • Health risks associated with unnecessary medical procedures

  • Work or school problems

  • Depression

  • Substance abuse

  • Excessive anger and frustration

  • Financial problems related to medical costs

If someone you know is suffering from hypochondria, they may need help accepting their problem and seeking treatment. For more information on the best ways to help yourself or someone you care about, please contact us today.